Activities & News

Tram at Balmoral Beach Mosman

News related to Mosman Library's local studies collection is at:

You can view the current and recent Newsletters via the links below. Each will open as a PDF in a new window and you can save it from there if you need to.

Current Newsletter
MHS Newsletter June 2024
Journal Of The Royal Australian Historical Society 2014

Recent and Past Newsletters
Follow this link for all newsletters.

You can view the notices of current and recent activities listed below. PDF files will open in a new window and you can save it from there if you need to.

Current Activities

The Blau Family — Talk by Paul Storm on Wednesday 10 July 2024 at 7.00pm.

Recent and Past Activities

History and Snags Walk on The Rangers Estate.
Monday 4 March 2024 at 5.00pm

Strung Out or Seduced? Exploring the Scandalous Queen of Nations Shipwreck.
Talk by Peter Hobbins on Wednesday 13 March 2024 at 7.00pm

Scouting in Mosman 1908-2023. Talk by Matthew Brownlie on Wednesday 8 November 2023.

Notice of Annual and Special General Meeting of Mosman Historical Society Incorporated, to be held at 6.30 pm at Mosman Library on Wednesday, 13 September 2023.

Talk on Sydney’s Planning History: From Go to Woe? by Paul Ashton on Wednesday 13 September 2023.

A Female Immigrant Story talk by Perry McIntyre on Wednesday 12 July 2023.

Mosman: Times Gone By book launch on Wednesday 3 May 2023.

Talk on 'The Tasman Map' by Ian Burnet on Wednesday 8 March 2023.

History And Snags At The Clifton Gardens Hotel Site on Wednesday 15 March 2023.

Talk on 'Defending Middle Head' by Kevin O’Brien on Wednesday 9 November 2022.

History and Franks Walk, The Brady Estate on Wednesday 16 November 2022.

Talk on 'Collits' Inn: Uncovering the Past' by Christine Stewart on Wednesday 14 September 2022.

Talk on 'Preserving our Military History' by Colonel John Platt on Wednesday 13 July 2022.

Talk on 'Beating France to Botany Bay: The Race to Found Australia' by Margaret Cameron-Ash on Wednesday 11 May 2022.

Talk on 'Revitalising Heritage through Contemporary Art and New Technologies' by John Cheeseman on Wednesday 9 March 2022.

Talk on the 'Adventures of Dot' by Graham Shirley on Wednesday 10 November 2021.

Talk on Royal Australian Air Force Catalinas in World War Two by Noel Phelan on Wednesday 8 September 2021.

MHS Annual General Meeting 8 September 2021 Minutes

Talk on building the Sydney railway by Bill Phippen on Wednesday 14 July 2021.

Talk on David Samuel Anderson by Margarita Dowd on Wednesday 12 May 2021. See 'Activities & News' for further information.

Talk on the 1857 Dunbar disaster by John Lanser at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 10 March 2021. See 'Activities & News' for further information.

History and snags at the Balmoral Tramway Wednesday 18 November 2020 5.00pm

MHS Annual General Meeting 11 Sept 2020 - 2020 Minutes

Tramways of the North Shore by Ron Besdansky via Zoom, 9th September 2020
🎥 Click here to see the talk noting that the filming commenced just after the introduction.

The Halvorsen Story by Noel Phelan via Zoom, 8 July 2020
🎥 Click here to see the talk.

230th Anniversary of the wrecking of HMS Sirius on Norfolk Island, 19 March 2020

Bedlam at Botany Bay by James Dunk, 11 March 2020

Projects at Middle Head and Georges Head by Robert Newton on Wednesday 13 November 2019

History and Snags at Balaklava (Mosman Junction) on Wednesday 20 November 2019

MHS Annual General Meeting 11 Sept 2019 - 2019 Minutes

The Tailor and the Shipwright by Robert Westphal on Wednesday 11 September 2019

Using land title records for family and local history by Associate Professor Carol Liston, 8 August 2019, Barry O'Keefe Library

The Attack on Sydney Harbour 31 May-1 June 1942 by Peter Sweeney on Wednesday 10 July 2019

Hidden in plain view: The Aboriginal people of coastal Sydney by Paul Irish on Wednesday 8 May 2019

A Mosman hall of industry: Mosman manufacturers and some iconic Australian brands, 30 April 2019 to 26 May 2019, Barry O'Keefe Library

Creative characters & blazing sunsets, writing family history with Noeline Kyle, 2 May 2019

The adventures of 'Waltzing Matilda': The first civilian aircraft to reach Australia from Britain after the second world war by David Carment on Wednesday 13 March 2019

Author evening with Vanessa Finney, 11 March 2019, Mosman Library Service

What does it say, 20 March 2019, Mosman Library Service

Mosman Treasures on Wednesday 10 April 2019, Mosman Historical Society and Mosman Library Service

From Eden to Windsor Castle: The amazing life of Sir Oswald Brierly by Bob Lawrence on Wednesday 14 November 2018

History and snags at Rawson Park on Wednesday 21 November 2018

I Remember When: Mosman Probus Club Members' Memories and Reflections by Margaret Szalay on Wednesday 12 September 2018

MHS Annual General Meeting 12 Sept 2018 - 2017 Minutes (PDF)

Sydney Cemetery Adventures by Lisa Murray on Wednesday 11 July 2018

Paul Brickhill by John Ramsland on Wednesday 9 May 2018

Flanders in Australia: A Personal History of Wool and War on Wednesday 14 March 2018

Taronga Zoo - A History and Intimacies by Guy Cooper on 8 November 2017 - Poster (PDF)

History and Snags at Georges Heights 15 November 2017 - Poster (PDF)

Australia's Eastern War? by Craig Wilcox on 13 September 2017 - Poster (PDF)

MHS Annual General Meeting 13 Sept 2017 - 2016 Minutes (PDF)

MHS Annual General Meeting 13 Sept 2017 - Revised New Constitution (PDF)

The Sydney Amateur Sailing Club by John Jeremy on 12 July 2017 - Poster (PDF)

The Portraits of James Cook by Paul Brunton on 10 May 2017 - Poster (PDF)

Epic Journeys: Cross-Continental Expeditions in Australia and the USA by Mike Dorahy on 8 March 2017 - Poster (PDF)

Lost Mosman by David Carment, Pam Lofthouse an Phillipa Morris on 9 November 2016 - Poster (PDF)

History and Snags at Allan Border Oval and Nearby: 16 November 2016 - Poster (PDF)

Northbridge: Building a New Suburb by Pam Clifford on 14 September 2016 - Poster (PDF)

Swimming With the Spit: 100 years of the Spit Amateur Swimming Club by Tanya Evans on 13 July 2016 - Poster (PDF)

Living on the edge: a short history of our long relationship with the NSW coast by Ian Hoskins on 11 May 2016 - Poster (PDF)

Local Studies Collections - why? by Donna Braye on 9 March 2016 - Poster (PDF)

William Paterson by Gavin Souter on March 2016 - Poster (PDF)

Toll Houses in the 19th Century by Pam Lofthouse on 11 November 2015 - Poster (PDF)

Historical Tour of Mosman Bay on 18 November 2015 - Poster (PDF)

Australian Maritime and Heritage Flags by John Vaughan 9 September 2015 - Poster (PDF)

That Faraway Experience: Australia's Great War 1916-1918 by Richard Reid 8 July 2015 - Poster (PDF)

Roads of Mosman by John Dansie 13 May 2015 - Poster (PDF)

The Mosman-Neutral Bay Rifle Club 1915-2-15 11 March 2015 - Poster (PDF)

St Albans Excursion 16 April 2015

2014 AGM Reports

The Mosman Parks and Bushland Association 50th Anniversary Celebration 25 October 2014 - Poster (PDF)

Remembering the great Irish famine (1845-1850) in Australia by Dr Perry McIntyre - Poster (PDF)

History and snags at The Spit – Historical Tour 19 November 2014 – Poster (PDF)

The Mosman Parks and Bushland Association 1964-2014 by Anne Cook - Poster (PDF)

Song without end ... hopefully! Mosman Musical Society's past present and future by Jody Rose - Poster (PDF)

Joan Kerr: Speaking her mind on architectural history by Susan Steggall - Poster (PDF)

Mosman and Norfolk: Twins talking two languages by Bruce Baskerville - Poster (PDF)

Colonial Ladies: Lovely, lively and lamentably loose by Judith Dunn - Poster (PDF)

The Mosman Home Gardener's Society 1943-2013 by Elaine Lye and Jacquie Tuck - Poster (PDF)

Managing Waste on Sydney's Lower North Shore by Bon McKillop - Poster (PDF)

So, Why Me? Writing the Mosman Cricket Club's History by John Hiscox - Poster (PDF)

Early Girl's School on Sydney's Lower North Shore by Denise Thomas - Poster (PDF)

Henri L'Estrange: The Australian Blondin by Mark Dunn - Poster (PDF)

History of Sydney Ferries by Bill Allen - Poster (PDF)

Mosman Artists I Have Known by Paul Delprat - Poster (PDF)

Memories of Mosman by Jo Thompson and Di McKrummel - Poster (PDF)

An Illustrated History of Sydney Harbour by Dr Ian Hoskins - Poster (PDF)

Sydney's Aboriginal Past by Dr Val Attenbrow - Poster (PDF)

Mosman Tram Routes Bus Trip 25 Oct 2011 - Poster (PDF)

Mosman Library presents Mosman Lunches - Poster (PDF)

As part of its activities, the society undertakes and supports history walks of the local area. Some documentation available for local history walks is available below.

Mosman Historical Society: Historic Guide to Balmoral (PDF)

Mosman Historical Society: Historic Guide to Bradleys Head (PDF)

Mosman Council: Heritage Walks; Balmoral Self Guided Heritage Walk

Mosman Council: Heritage Walks; Curlew Camp Artists’ Walk

Mosman Council: Heritage Walks